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Search results for pi,2867 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,2867
Translated headword: pre-ceremony, introduction
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] preparatory teaching.[1]
"And whoever supposes that the Muses are not a preparation, but the power of wisdom is in them for him, and does not wish to understand, if sometimes they hint at something excessive, [...] and is held fast by this [beauty], [...] may many good things come to him."[2]
Marriage is also called a ceremony, and prote/leia are the sacrifices [made] for the sake of the marriage.[3]
"But also let a sacrifice be offered before the wedding of Sinonis and let the husband be the preparation for the seducer."[4]
Greek Original:*prote/leion: h( propaidei/a. kai\ o(/stis de\ ou) prote/leion h(gei=tai ta\s *mou/sas, a)lla\ to\ kra/tos au)tw=| th=s sofi/as e)n tau/tais e)sti/, kai\ ou)d' ei)/ ti peritto\n ai)ni/ttontai/ pote, sunie/nai bou/letai, kai\ u(po\ tou/tou kate/xetai, polla\ kai\ a)gaqa\ au)tw=| ge/noito. *te/los le/getai kai\ o( ga/mos. kai\ prote/leia, ta\ u(pe\r tou= ga/mou qu/mata. a)lla\ kai\ tw=n *sinwni/dos ga/mwn proqusa/sqw kai\ prote/leia tou= moixou= o( a)nh\r gene/sqw.
Keywords: definition; ethics; gender and sexuality; imagery; mythology; poetry; religion; rhetoric; women
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 19 September 2013@01:02:31.
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