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Search results for pi,2862 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,2862
Translated headword: premise, proposition
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Note] that a 'premise' is a sentence [composed] out of two terms, [a sentence] demonstrating something about something by what is being signified, either as existent or as nonexistent. A 'mode' [expressed] simply [is] a simple association of two premises having three terms,[1] one of which[2] must be both assumed twice and exist in both [premises].[3] A 'figure' [is] a mode having the middle [term] as follows.[4]
Greek Original:*pro/tasis: o(/ti pro/tasis e)sti\ lo/gos e)c o(/rwn du/o, tw=| shmainome/nw| ti peri/ tinos dhlw=n, h)\ w(s u(pa/rxon h)\ w(s ou)x u(pa/rxon. tro/pos de\ a(plw=s du/o prota/sewn a(plh= koinwni/a trei=s o(/rous e)xousw=n, e)c w(=n a)na/gkh to\n e(/na di/s te ei)lh=fqai kai\ e)n a)mfote/rais u(pa/rxein. sxh=ma de\ tro/pos w(di\ to\ me/son e)/xwn.
This entry, Adler reports, is a marginal addition in ms V. The material owes something to several passages in the Aristotelian commentaries by Alexander of
Aphrodisias. See also
pi 2863.
[1] The major, the minor, and the middle terms in a deductive argument or syllogism (see
Prior Analytics 25b32ff. and 26a21.
[2] The middle term that, according to the Aristotelian syllogism's theory, should not appear in the conclusion.
[3] The middle term, 'the one which is said in both premises' (
Prior Analytics 47a38.
[4] In his systematic exposition of syllogistic
Aristotle uses letters indicating terms; according to the figure (
Aristotle describes three), the middle term has a different position (see
Prior Analytics 25b32ff., 26b34ff., 28a10ff.).
Keywords: definition; philosophy
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 9 December 2003@17:46:23.
Vetted by:Catharine Roth (modified translation, cosmetics) on 9 December 2003@21:42:15.
David Whitehead (added x-ref; cosmetics) on 10 December 2003@02:53:01.
David Whitehead (tweaks to tr; expanded primary note) on 20 October 2013@08:44:07.
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