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Search results for pi,2836 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,2836
Translated headword: might admit
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [He/she/it] might accept, might attract. "Nor might the camel admit any rider because of her stubbornness and unfamiliarity."[1]
And elsewhere
Damascius [writes]: "he was capable of seeing where the argument is unsound and where it is healthy, so that he might admit the one but refute the other."[2]
And elsewhere: "[...] if [he] might admit the repentance of a sinner."[3]
Greek Original:*pro/soito: prosde/caito, e)pispa/soito. ou)de\ ga\r pro/soito a)naba/thn h( ka/mhlos ou)de/na u(p' au)qadei/as kai\ a)sunhqei/as. kai\ au)=qis *dama/skios: h)=n de\ i(kano\s i)dei=n o(/ph te saqro\n fqe/ggetai o( lo/gos, kai\ o(/ph u(gie/s, i(/na to\ me\n pro/soito, to\ de\ e)cele/gceie. kai\ au)=qis: ei) meta/noian a(martwlou= pro/soito.
The headword, a third person singular aorist middle optative of
proi/hmi, is illustrated by all three of the quotations given.
Babyloniaca fr. 49 Habrich. For the camel episode, see also
beta 393,
kappa 1282,
kappa 2232,
pi 514,
phi 10.
Life of Isidore fr.89 Zintzen (41 Asmus, 37F Athanassiadi).
[3] From George the Monk: see in context at
mu 133.
Keywords: biography; Christianity; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; historiography; philosophy; religion; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 3 March 2004@01:22:37.
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