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Search results for pi,2774 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,2774
Translated headword: mask
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning a] disguise.[1]
'Face' [
pro/swpon] in reference to God [is] his appearance.[2]
David [says]: "the face of the Lord [is] against those doing evil."[3] [sc. It also means] the deliverance of [= from] evil things and the abundance of good things.[4]
Greek Original:*proswpei=on: pro/sxhma. *pro/swpon e)pi\ qeou= h( e)pifa/neia au)tou=. *dabi/d: pro/swpon de\ kuri/ou e)pi\ poiou=ntas kaka/. kai\ h( lu/sis tw=n ponhrw=n kai\ tw=n a)gaqw=n h( xorhgi/a.
The entry begins with the neuter noun
proswpei=on but then shifts to
[1] Likewise or similarly in other lexica; references at
Photius pi1391 Theodoridis.
[2] cf. Theodoret (PG 80.1084d) on
Psalm 30:21
Psalm 33:17
[4] A misquotation (for
ponhrw=n read
luphrw=n) of Theodoret (PG 80.1864a) on
Psalm 118:135
Keywords: Christianity; definition; economics; ethics; imagery; religion
Translated by: Bobbiejo Winfrey ✝ on 7 July 2003@09:27:16.
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