*pro/sw: e)/mprosqen. *)iwto/mhn de\ kai/per ou) pro/sw tou= teqna/nai o)/nta a)potmhqh=nai th\n kefalh\n keleu/ei, w(s mh\ e)kfu/gh| to\n tw=n kakou/rgwn qa/naton.
For a different glossing on the same headword, see the next entry,
pi 2771.
[1] =
Synagoge pi720,
Photius pi1389 Theodoridis (with other references there); cf.
Erotianus 106.15,
Hesychius pi3945, pi3948, pi3885, tau168, epsilon5297.
[2] Quotation unidentifiable. (Adler suggests
Aelian.) Presumably, though, the same Iotomes mentioned in
alpha 2877,
iota 510 and
pi 1029; at any rate no other Iotomes is attested elsewhere. Bernhardy connected this quotation to the one at
pi 1029. Iotomes was apparently a leader of an uprising in Armenia, and these passages deal with his punishment.
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