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Search results for pi,2766 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,2766
Translated headword: attentiveness
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning a] precise management of lifestyle.[1]
"Of the personal body it is necessary to be carefully balanced, not like someone who is risk-averse nor devoted to frippery nor indeed stingy in manner, but as a result of personal attentiveness so as to need internal and external medical interventions as little as possible."[2]
Greek Original:*prosoxh/: a)kribh\s e)pime/leia diai/ths. tou= i)di/ou sw/matos e)pimelhtikw=s dei= e)/xein e)mme/trws, ou)/te w(s a)/n tis filo/zw|os ou)/te pro\s kallwpismo\n ou)/te mh\n o)ligw/rws, a)ll' w(/ste dia\ th\n i)di/an prosoxh\n ei)s o)li/gista i)atrikh=s xrh/|zein farma/kwn kai\ e)piqema/twn e)nto\s kai\ e)kto/s.
[1] For the headword, a feminine noun, cf. (e.g.) under
epsilon 2608,
nu 358,
pi 2658, and see generally LSJ s.v. I. In the present context it is presumably generated by the instance (accusative case) in the quotation given; no equivalent entry in other lexica.
[2] An approximation of Marcus Aurelius,
Meditations 1.16, transforming the emperor's particular comments about his (adoptive) father into general advice for good living.
Keywords: biography; children; daily life; definition; ethics; medicine; philosophy
Translated by: William Hutton on 4 September 2013@08:33:19.
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