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Search results for pi,2755 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,2755
Translated headword: now by
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "[Now by] your mother and by your father, child, and by anyone else who is dear to you in your home I supplicate you as a suppliant, don't leave me alone like this, deserted in the midst of these evils that you see and that you have heard that I am living among."[1]
Greek Original:*pro\s nu=n se mhtro\s pro/s te patro/s, w)= te/knon, pro/s t', ei)/ tis soi kat' oi)=ko/n e)sti prosfile/s, i(ke/ths i(knou=mai, mh\ li/ph|s m' ou(/tw mo/non, e)/rhmon e)n kakoi=si toi=sde g', oi(=s o(ra=|s, o(/sois t' e)ch/kousas e)nnai/onta/ me.
Philoctetes 468-472, with some minor divergences. On
pro/s in supplication, see LSJ s.v. A.I.4.
Keywords: children; ethics; mythology; poetry; religion; tragedy; women
Translated by: William Hutton on 31 August 2013@23:21:51.
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