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Search results for pi,2743 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,2743
Translated headword: [lest] you bash your foot against a rock
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Meaning [lest] you stumble against [one]. But [the psalmist] has indicated [that this pertains to] the smallest [degree of harm] through the [phrase] 'bashing against the rock'.[1]
Greek Original:*prosko/yh|s pro\s li/qon to\n po/da sou: a)nti\ tou= prosptai/seis. to\ smikro/taton de\ dia\ tou= prosko/yai tw=| li/qw| dedh/lwken.
The headword phrase -- here omitting the crucial opening phrase
mh/ pote 'not ever' -- comes from
Psalm 90:12
LXX (quoted also in the
New Testament:
Matthew 4:6,
Luke 4:11). It is generally interpreted by commentators as a metaphor wherein the foot represents the soul and the rock sin; thus e.g. Athanasius PG 27.401 and (apparently the Suda's source here) Theodoret PG 80.1613b.
[1] The idea seems to be that God pays attention to even the smallest stumble; cf.
Eustathius PG 23.1160.
Keywords: Christianity; definition; ethics; imagery; poetry; proverbs; religion
Translated by: William Hutton on 28 August 2013@14:19:34.
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