Search results for pi,2736 in Adler number:
Headword: *prosklito/n Adler number: pi,2736 Translated headword: couch Vetting Status: high Translation:
[Meaning that] on which we recline.
Greek Original:
*prosklito/n: e)n w(=| a)koumbi/zomen.
Rare neuter noun, attested only in lexica and grammars. The accentuation varies between prosklito/n (as here) and pro/skliton. For the verb a)koumbi/zw, from Latin accumbo, see e.g. epsilon 2949.
Catharine Roth (set status) on 10 May 2010@23:37:31. David Whitehead (note; another keyword) on 11 May 2010@03:41:05. David Whitehead (expanded note) on 28 November 2011@06:56:34. David Whitehead on 18 October 2013@05:15:14. Catharine Roth (expanded note with cross-reference) on 28 November 2021@19:14:05.