*proskh/nion: to\ pro\ th=s skhnh=s parape/tasma. h( de\ tu/xh parelkome/nh th\n pro/fasin kaqa/per e)pi\ proskh/nion paregu/mnwse ta\s a)lhqei=s e)pinoi/as.
[1] cf.
alpha 4434. For a meaning similar to this LSJ cites
Judges 10.22
LXX, but far more frequently (including in the quotation provided, which seems to refer to the drawing aside of a curtain rigged up on, or in front of, a proscenium) it properly refers to a platform in front of the scene structure.
[2] Ascribed to
Polybius (fr. 212 Büttner-Wobst). Theodoridis in his
Photius edition (vol.II p.XCI) argues -- adducing the parallel of
Polybius 15.17.6 -- that its opening participle, transmitted as
parelkome/nh, should actually be
parelome/nh 'removing'; cf. also for this
Dyscolus 803-804.
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