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Adler number: pi,265
Translated headword: Pappos, Pappus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Alexandrian, philosopher, born in the time of the elder emperor
Theodosius,[1] when the philosopher
Theon also flourished, the one who wrote about
Canon.[2] His books [are]
Description of the Inhabited World;
Commentary on the 4 Books of the Great Syntaxis of Ptolemy;
The Rivers in Libya;
Greek Original:*pa/ppos, *)alecandreu/s, filo/sofos, gegonw\s kata\ to\n presbu/teron *qeodo/sion to\n basile/a, o(/te kai\ *qe/wn o( filo/sofos h)/kmazen, o( gra/yas ei)s to\n *ptolemai/ou *kano/na. bibli/a de\ au)tou= *xwrografi/a oi)koumenikh\, *ei)s ta\ d# bibli/a th=s *ptolemai/ou mega/lhs sunta/cews u(po/mnhma, *potamou\s tou\s e)n *libu/h|, *)oneirokritika/.
Theodosius I, born AD c.346, reigned 379–395 (see
theta 144). Pappos may in fact have been older: he flourished c.320 according to OCD4 s.v.
[2] cf.
theta 205.
[3] Parts of these survive, though the
Description of the Inhabited World is lost.
Keywords: biography; chronology; dreams; geography; historiography; philosophy
Translated by: D. Graham J. Shipley on 14 July 2002@08:37:20.
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