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Headword: *pa/qos le/cews
Adler number: pi,26
Translated headword: figure of speech; modification of speech
Vetting Status: high
Homonymy, like "dog."[1] Metaphor: as [when] the earth [is called] a nurse.[2] From this [comes] a catachresis[3] and obscurity.
Greek Original:
*pa/qos le/cews: o(mwnumi/a, w(s ku/wn. metafora/: w(s tiqhno\s h( gh=. kata/xrhsis e)nteu=qen kai\ h( a)sa/feia.
This entry -- unparalleled in other lexica -- gives not a general definition of the headword phrase but (two) subdivisions of it. The specific examples of each subdivision are the Suda's own, building on Alexander of Aphrodisias, Commentaries on Aristotle's Topica 428.9-11 Wallies.
See generally LSJ s.v. pa/qos, IV.
[1] i.e. ku/wn is either the animal or a Cynic philosopher.
[2] cf. tau 574.
[3] Analogical application of a word.
Keywords: imagery; philosophy; rhetoric; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 11 February 2009@01:30:39.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added primary note; more keywords; cosmetics) on 11 February 2009@03:13:14.
David Whitehead (augmented notes; tweaks and cosmetics) on 3 August 2011@09:46:15.
David Whitehead (further expansion of primary note) on 3 August 2011@09:57:21.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 8 August 2013@10:06:58.
David Whitehead (coding) on 21 May 2016@03:40:12.


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