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Search results for pi,2557 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,2557
Translated headword: five days' notice
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Didymus says "perhaps certain other things are liable before the payment. For there are those who say that the fifth parts of the valuations are being paid. So if not five days notice, as
Demosthenes [illustrates], [then] for five days; for in the major trials one day was not sufficient for the verdict".[1]
Greek Original:*pro/pempta: *di/dumo/s fhsi mh/pote a)/lla tina/ ei)sin e)piti/mia ta\ pro\ th=s katabolh=s. ei)si\ ga\r oi(\ ta\ pe/mpta tw=n timhma/twn parakataba/llesqai fasi/n. ei) mh\ a)/ra pro/pempta, w(s *dhmosqe/nhs, pro\s h(me/ras e#: tai=s ga\r mega/lais di/kais ou)k h)/rkei mi/a h(me/ra pro\s th\n kri/sin.
Abridged from Harpokration (and
Photius) s.v., commenting in the first instance on
Lysias fr. 180 Sauppe (now 226 Carey OCT) and
Demosthenes 43.75 (a law: web address 1).
Didymus p.316 Schmidt.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: definition; economics; law; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 18 December 2000@05:27:28.
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