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Adler number: pi,2506
Translated headword: Prometheus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Note] that in the time of the Judges of the Judaeans, Prometheus was known amongst the Greeks [as the one] who first discovered scholarly philosophy. He it is of whom they say that he moulded men, inasmuch as he made some ignorant [persons] understand wisdom. And Epimetheus, who discovered music; and Atlas, who interpreted astronomy, on account of which they say he holds up the heavens. And 'many-eyed' Argos [
Place] because he was looked at by many, inasmuch as he first conceived technical knowledge. At that time there was also a prophetess [called a] Sibyl. When Pharaoh also [called] Parachoh was king among Egyptians, among Greek in
Athens the king was Kekrops,[1] who was called
Diphyes ['double-formed'] because of the size of his body, or because he issued a law to the effect that women who were still virgins, whom he called 'brides', be given to one man/husband. For previously the women of that country had animalistic intercourse; for a woman belonged to no one, but gave herself for fornication to each man. So no one knew whose son or daughter [they were], but however it seemed best to the mother she spoke and gave the child to whatever man she pleased. And Kekrops did this, since he had come out of Egypt and did not know the legislation of Hephaistos who had ruled there. For he said that it was because of this sort of licentious intercourse that Attica had been flooded. So from then on those inhabiting the Greek regions became chaste. Kekrops ruled 40 years.
He used to be called
Diphyes also because he came from Egypt and came into Greece and ruled.
Greek Original:*promhqeu/s: o(/ti e)pi\ tw=n *kritw=n tw=n *)ioudai/wn par' *(/ellhsin e)gnwri/zeto *promhqeu/s, o(\s eu(=re prw=tos th\n grammatikh\n filosofi/an. peri\ ou(= le/gousin, o(/ti a)nqrw/pous e)/plase, kaqo/ tinas i)diw/tas o)/ntas e)poi/hsen e)piginw/skein sofi/an. kai\ *)epimhqeu/s, o(\s e)ceu=re th\n mousikh/n: kai\ *)/atlas, o(\s th\n a)stronomi/an h(rmh/neuse: dio\ le/gousin, o(/ti to\n ou)rano\n basta/zei. kai\ o( poluo/mmatos *)/argos, dio\ peri/bleptos h)=n, kaqo/ti th\n texnikh\n e)pisth/mhn au)to\s e)peno/hse prw=tos. h)=n de\ to/te kai\ ma/ntis *sibu/lla. basileu/ontos par' *ai)gupti/ois *faraw\ tou= kai\ *paraxw/, par' *(/ellhsin e)n *)aqh/nais e)basi/leue *ke/kroy, o(\s e)klh/qh *difuh\s dia\ to\ tou= sw/matos me/geqos, h)\ o(/ti no/mon e)ce/qeto, w(/ste ta\s gunai=kas parqe/nous e)/ti ou)/sas e(ni\ e)kdi/dosqai a)ndri/, kale/sas au)ta\s nu/mfas: pro/teron ga\r ai( th=s xw/ras e)kei/nhs gunai=kes qhriw/dh mi/cin e)mi/gnunto: ou)deno\s ga\r h)=n gunh/, a)lla\ e)di/dou e(auth\n ei)s pornei/an e(ka/stw|. ou)dei\s ou)=n h)/|dei, ti/nos h)=n ui(o\s h)\ quga/thr, a)ll' w(s a)\n e)/doce th=| mhtri/, e)/lege kai\ e)di/dou to\ texqe\n w(=| e)bou/leto a)ndri/. tou=to de\ e)poi/hsen o( *ke/kroy, w(s e)c *ai)gu/ptou katago/menos kai\ th\n nomoqesi/an *(hfai/stou tou= basileu/santos e)kei= ou)k a)gnoh/sas. e)/lege ga/r, o(/ti dia\ th\n toiau/thn th=s a)selgei/as sunh/qeian kateklu/sqh h( *)attikh/. a)po\ to/te ou)=n e)swfroni/sqhsan oi( katoikou=ntes th\n tw=n *(ellh/nwn xw/ran. e)basi/leuse de\ *ke/kroy e)/th n#. e)le/geto de\ *difuh\s kai\ dia\ to\ a)po\ *ai)gu/ptou gene/sqai kai\ ei)s *(ella/da e)lqei=n kai\ basileu=sai.
This material has parallels in late historiography (John of
Antioch, Malalas).
[1] For Kekrops, and the material now to follow, see
kappa 1272.
Keywords: aetiology; biography; children; chronology; definition; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; historiography; imagery; law; meter and music; mythology; philosophy; religion; women; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 3 December 2000@09:59:05.
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