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Adler number: pi,2504
Translated headword: pre-measurer
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The man measuring cereals and each of the other grains on sale in the [sc. Athenian]
agora, and receiving a wage for this task, used to be called a pre-measurer.
Dinarchus [says]: "the son of the Scythian pre-measurer joined a deme, and the same man carried on his pre-measuring in the
agora, and you carried on accepting cereals from him".
Greek Original:*prometrhth/s: o( tou\s pipraskome/nous purou\s e)n th=| a)gora=| kai\ tw=n a)/llwn sperma/twn e(/kaston diametrw=n, kai\ o( tou/tou tou= e)/rgou misqo\n lamba/nwn prometrhth\s e)kalei=to. *dei/narxos: o( *sku/qou tou= prometrhtou= ui(o\s e)n dhmo/tais ge/gone, kai\ o( au)to\s e)n th=| a)gora=| prometrw=n diatete/leke, kai\ u(mei=s e)klabo/menoi par' au)tou= tou\s purou\s diatelei=te.
Expanded from Harpokration s.v.
prometrhta/s (sic: accusative plural), glossing
Hyperides fr. 191 Jensen
Dinarchus fr. XVI.4 Conomis (the Agasicles case: see
alpha 169) and a fuller version of it than the one in Harpok.
Keywords: biography; daily life; definition; economics; food; geography; law; rhetoric; science and technology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 30 September 2002@07:49:14.
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