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Search results for pi,2492 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,2492
Translated headword: to roll down before [someone]
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] to do homage to the king/emperor [by] falling on one's knee.[1]
For it is a prerogative of the king/emperor to receive kneeling homage from men. Also [sc. attested is the phrase] "rolling down before kites": for kites appear in spring, [and] delighted by this they used to roll, as if falling on their knee.[2]
Greek Original:*prokulindei=sqai: to\ e)pi\ go/nu peso/nta proskunei=n tw=| basilei=. i)/dion ga\r tou= basile/ws to\ gonupetei=sqai e)c a)nqrw/pwn. kai\ prokulindei=sqai i)kti/nois: e)/aros i)/ktinoi fai/nontai, e)f' w(=| h(do/menoi e)kulindou=nto, w(s e)pi\ go/nu pi/ptontes.
[1] No comparable entries in other lexica; but cf.
pi 2384.
[2] From a scholion on
Birds 501 (where this phrase occurs, but with the definite article); cf.
iota 283.
Keywords: comedy; definition; ethics; history; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 4 August 2013@00:32:07.
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