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Headword: *panu/asis
Adler number: pi,248
Translated headword: Panyasis, Panyassis
Vetting Status: high
Son of Polyarchus; of Halicarnassus, a soothsayer and epic poet; [it was he] who gave new life to epic poetry, which had dried up. Duris wrote[1] that he was the son of Diocles and from Samos, but [became] a Thurian in the same way as Herodotus.[2]
It is recorded that Panyasis was a cousin of Herodotus the historian; for Panyasis was the son of Polyarchus, while Herodotus was the son of Lyxes, Polyarchus' brother. But some have recorded that it was not Lyxes [sc. who connects the two of them], but that [it was] Rhoea, the mother of Herodotus, a sister of Panyasis.[3] Panyasis was alive in the 78th Olympiad,[4] but according to some [he was] much older; for he was alive at the time of the Persian Wars. He was killed by Lygdamis, third tyrant of Halicarnassus. Among poets he is ranked behind Homer, and according to some, also behind Hesiod and Antimachus. He wrote a Heracleias in 14 books, consisting of 9,000 verses, and an Ionica in pentameter, which is about Codrus and Neleus and the Ionian colonies, and consists of 7,000 verses.
Greek Original:
*panu/asis, *polua/rxou, *(alikarnasseu/s, teratosko/pos kai\ poihth\s e)pw=n: o(\s sbesqei=san th\n poihtikh\n e)panh/gage. *dou=ris de\ *diokle/ous te pai=da a)ne/graye kai\ *sa/mion, o(moi/ws de\ kai\ *(hro/dotos *qou/rion. i(sto/rhtai de\ *panu/asis *(hrodo/tou tou= i(storikou= e)ca/delfos: ge/gone ga\r *panu/asis *polua/rxou, o( de\ *(hro/dotos *lu/cou tou= *polua/rxou a)delfou=. tine\s de\ ou) *lu/chn, a)lla\ *(roiw\ th\n mhte/ra *(hrodo/tou, *panua/sidos a)delfh/n, i(sto/rhsan. o( de\ *panu/asis ge/gone kata\ th\n oh# o)lumpia/da, kata\ de/ tinas pollw=| presbu/teros: kai\ ga\r h)=n e)pi\ tw=n *persikw=n. a)nh|re/qh de\ u(po\ *lugda/midos tou= tri/tou turannh/santos *(alikarnassou=. e)n de\ poihtai=s ta/ttetai meq' *(/omhron, kata\ de/ tinas kai\ meta\ *(hsi/odon kai\ *)anti/maxon. e)/graye de\ kai\ *(hrakleia/da e)n bibli/ois id#, ei)s e)/ph #22q#, *)iwnika\ e)n pentame/trw|, e)/sti de\ ta\ peri\ *ko/dron kai\ *nhle/a kai\ ta\s *)iwnika\s a)poiki/as, ei)s e)/ph #22z#.
C5 BCE; M.L. West in OCD4 s.v. Panyassis (seemingly the normal spelling). See also pi 249.
[1] Duris of Samos FGrH 76 F64.
[2] That is, by migrating there (S. Italy) from Samos. For Herodotus in this regard see eta 536.
[3] Krausse emends to 'of Polyarchos'.
[4] 468-465 BCE.
Truesdell S. Brown, "Early Life of Herodotus," The Ancient World 17 (1988): 3-15
Malcolm Davies, Epicorum Graecorum Fragmenta, Goettingen, 1988
V.J. Matthews, Panyassis of Halikarnassos, Mnemosyne Suppl.33, Leiden, 1974
Keywords: biography; chronology; epic; geography; historiography; imagery; military affairs; meter and music; mythology; poetry; politics; religion; women
Translated by: Phiroze Vasunia on 8 May 2001@20:48:35.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented headword and notes; modified translation; added keywords; cosmetics) on 9 May 2001@04:55:57.
David Whitehead (tweaked translation; added a note and more keywords; cosmetics) on 10 November 2005@07:06:40.
David Whitehead (another note; more keywords; cosmetics; raised status) on 14 August 2013@03:19:30.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 10 August 2014@04:01:11.


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