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Search results for pi,2461 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,2461
Translated headword: advance-payment
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Advance-payment] and supplementary payment. When the taxes were being farmed out [sc. in classical
Athens], two instructions were given to the purchasers as to how they had to bring in the money. So the part of the sums that they brought in before beginning their task, this is called 'advance-payment', whereas the [part] provided at the second appointed time [is] 'supplementary payment'.
Greek Original:*prokatabolh\ kai\ *proskatabo/lhma: tw=n telw=n pipraskome/nwn, du/o proqe/seis e)di/donto toi=s w)noume/nois, e)n ai(=s e)xrh=n ei)senexqh=nai to\ a)rgu/rion. o(/per ou)=n me/ros xrhma/twn, pri\n a)/rcasqai tou= e)/rgou, ei)sfe/rousin ei)s to\ dhmo/sion, tou=to prokatabolh\ kalei=tai, to\ de\ th=| deute/ra| proqesmi/a| dido/menon proskata/blhma.
Same entry in
Photius (pi1247 Theodoridis); similar ones in other lexica.
The first of these terms -- when used in this sense -- is attested only in the lexica, but for the second see
Demosthenes 24.97-98 (as
Keywords: daily life; definition; economics; law; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 14 March 2010@10:04:43.
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