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Search results for pi,2444 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,2444
Translated headword: appointed [day]
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [So called] from designating [proqei=nai][1] the day on which this should take place, not from foretelling [proqespi/zein], if we [sc. humans] designate a certain appointed day; but if it is god/God who designates, the noun is derived from proqespi/zein, as god/God foretells and orders and establishes a law concerning the day, on which perhaps this [man] must depart from this life or this whole universe must be destroyed. And qespi/zein[2] [is said] properly in reference to a god, but incorrectly also in reference to a king/emperor.
Greek Original:*proqesmi/a: a)po\ tou= proqei=nai th\n h(me/ran, e)n h(=| to/de gene/sqai dei=, ou)k a)po\ tou= proqespi/zein, e)a\n h(mei=s protiqw=men proqesmi/an tina/: ei) de\ o( qeo\s o( protiqei/s, a)po\ tou= proqespi/zein ei)/rhtai to\ o)/noma: proqespi/zontos tou= qeou= kai\ prosta/ttontos kai\ pronomoqetou=ntos peri\ th=s h(me/ras, e)n h(=| tuxo\n to/nde dei= th=s zwh=s tau/ths u(pecelqei=n h)\ to/nde kataluqh=nai to\n su/mpanta ko/smon. kai\ qespi/zein me\n e)pi\ qeou= kuri/ws, kataxrhstikw=s de\ kai\ e)pi\ basile/ws.
Similar entries in the
Etymologicum Magnum (688.50-52) and
Etymologicum Gudianum (pi480.42-52). It is unclear whether the background theology is pagan or Christian.
See also
pi 2445.
[1] cf.
pi 2446.
[2] cf.
theta 280.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 5 July 2013@17:40:16.
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