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Search results for pi,2441 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,2441
Translated headword: notices, public notices
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] advertisements.[1] "And the emperor Valentinian set up notices [to the effect] that if anyone been treated unjustly by
Sallustius the commander, he should approach the emperor."[2]
This emperor burned [sc. to death] the
praepositus Chrysaphius.[3]
Greek Original:*proqe/mata: prografa/s. kai\ e)/qhken o( *ou)alentiniano\s o( basileu\s proqe/mata, i(/na, ei)/ tis ti h)di/khtai para\ *salousti/ou tou= e)pa/rxou, prose/lqh| tw=| basilei=. ou(=tos o( basileu\s kai\ to\n praipo/siton e)/kause *xrusa/fion.
[1] The headword, a neuter noun, is in the (nominative and) accusative plural, extracted from the quotation given. Similar glossing in ps.-
[2] John Malalas 338.4-5; cf.
sigma 64. On Valentinian, see
beta 72,
omicron 762.
[3] Chrysamphius in some mss; but at
sigma 64 the name of the
praepositus is Rhodanos.
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; historiography; history; law
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 6 June 2013@01:26:23.
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