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Search results for pi,2427 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,2427
Translated headword: to cast away
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] to throw [away], to lose.[1] "It is not right for a man to cast away any of his own [possessions]."[2] For he did not say 'to manage' or 'to lend', but 'to cast away', the creditor being vexed at not being able to recover the money which he lent. So he is saying that one should not recklessly give away one's own money to others.[3]
Greek Original:*proi+e/nai: r(i/yai, a)pole/sai. a)/ndra tw=n au(tou= ti ou) xrh\ proi+e/nai. ou)de\ ga\r xeiri/sasqai e)/fh h)\ danei=sai, a)lla\ proi+e/nai, a)sxa/llwn o( daneisth\s e)pi\ tw=| mh\ kekomi/sqai a(/per e)da/neise xrh/mata. fhsi\n ou)=n, o(/ti ou) xrh\ r(a|di/ws a)/llois proi/+esqai ta\ e(autou= xrh/mata.
The headword, extracted from the quotation given, is the present active infinitive of the verb
I send before, send away, dismiss, give away; see generally LSJ s.v.
[1] The glossing verb forms are aorist active infinitives of
r(i/ptw (
I cast, hurl, throw away) and
a)po/llumi (
I destroy utterly, kill, lay waste); see generally LSJ s.vv.
Clouds 1214 (a complaint of the First Creditor: web address 1), though in the form of a question in the received text; see Dover, p. 72. [In her critical apparatus Adler reports that ms M has
to/n for
[3] From the
scholia (=
scholia vetera) to the above Aristophanic passage. [Adler notes that Bernhardy suggested
to give graciously, for the paradosis
xeiri/sasqai; ms A reads
tw=n for
tw=|; and ms V omits the last sentence in the passage.]
K.J. Dover, ed., Aristophanes Clouds, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1968
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics
Translated by: Ronald Allen on 13 June 2013@01:09:54.
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