[Meaning] everywhere.
*pa/ntose: pantaxou=.
= Synagoge;
Photius pi178 Theodorodis; cf.
Eudemus 172.25 Niese;
Hesychius pi417;
Etymologicum Gudianum 451.8.
The headword is usually an adverb, though LSJ s.v. cites a late, poetic instance of it as a preposition with the genitive.
The entry probably originates from commentary to
Homer, where the word appears on numerous occasions: see e.g.
Iliad 3.347 (web address 1) and 5.508 (where the
scholia have this gloss).
B. Niese, Excerpta ex Eudemi codice Parisino n. 2635, Philologus suppl. 15. 1922
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