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Search results for pi,2382 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,2382
Translated headword: chair, president
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the leader and commander of the constitution.[1]
Presidents[2] used to be chosen by lot, [by][3] the prytaneis each prytany, one from each tribe except the [tribe] holding the prytany; their task was to manage the business that arose in connection with the assembly-meetings. They were called presidents precisely because they used to preside over everything else.
Aristotle in
Constitution of [the] Athenians has stated that the so-called chairman [
epistates] would undertake their sortition.[4]
Greek Original:*pro/edros: o( th=s politei=as a)rxhgo\s kai\ h(gemw/n. *pro/edroi e)klhrou=nto th\n tw=n prutane/wn kaq' e(ka/sthn prutanei/an, ei(=s e)c e(ka/sths fulh=s plh\n th=s prutaneuou/shs: oi(/tines ta\ peri\ ta\s e)kklhsi/as diw/|koun. e)kalou=nto de\ pro/edroi, e)peidh/per proh/dreuon tw=n a)/llwn a(pa/ntwn. o(/ti de\ o( kalou/menos e)pista/ths klhroi= au)tou\s ei)/rhken *)aristote/lhs e)n *)aqhnai/wn politei/a|.
[1] Same (odd) glossing in other lexica; references at
Photius pi1210 Theodoridis.
[2] The immediate source now becomes Harpokration s.v.
[3] The preposition must be supplied both here and in Harpok.
[4] ?
Athenaion Politeia 44.2 (web address 1); cf.
pi 2380.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: constitution; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; law
Translated by: David Whitehead on 18 December 2000@03:17:27.
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