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Search results for pi,2381 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,2381
Translated headword: proedria
Vetting Status: high
Translation: This custom is [one] of honor. In [the sc. Athenian] council-chamber and in [the] assembly and in any other meeting it was possible for those who obtained this honor to make to rise those who had taken [seats] beforehand, whoever [they were], and to sit in their place.[1] And the word has been formed from the fact that they have the first seat.[2]
Aristophanes [writes]: "if now they should not get the proedria, and the food."[3] ['They should get'] meaning they should take, they should carry off; and 'food' meaning meals in the Prytaneion.[4]
Greek Original:*proedri/a: timh=s ou(=tos o( tro/pos. e)ch=n de\ th=s timh=s tau/ths tuxou=si kai\ e)n bouleuthri/w| kai\ e)n e)kklhsi/a| kai\ e)n a)/llw| panti\ sullo/gw| tou\s prolamba/nontas oi(/tines h)\ e)cegei/rantas au)tou\s ei)s to\n e)kei/nwn kaqi/sai to/pon. pepoi/htai de\ to\ o)/noma a)po\ tou= th\n prw/thn au)tou\s e(/dran e)/xein. *)aristofa/nhs: nu=n d' a)\n mh\ proedri/an fe/rwsi, kai\ ta\ siti/a. a)nti\ tou= la/bwsin, a)pofe/rwsi. siti/a de\ a)nti\ tou= th\n e)n *prutanei/w| si/thsin.
For this headword see already
pi 2379, and again
pi 2626. The present entry is derived from
scholia on the
Aristophanes passage quoted (where the headword occurs in the accusative singular).
[1] The sentence features hyperbaton (
to\, and anakolouthon, in that the recipients of
proedri/a are referred to in the same clause with dative and accusative participles. Both features are also present in the
[2] An etymology deriving (more or less accurately) the headword
proedri/a from
prw/th ('first') and
e(/dra ('seat').
Knights 575.
[4] cf.
epsilon 262,
pi 2999.
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; food; poetry; politics
Translated by: Brett Evans on 15 March 2014@00:45:48.
Vetted by:William Hutton (modified translation, added one note and tweaked others, modified keywords, raised status) on 15 March 2014@00:48:28.
David Whitehead (augmented notes; another keyword; tweaks and cosmetics; raised status) on 16 March 2014@05:14:04.
David Whitehead (more x-refs) on 16 March 2014@07:54:43.
William Hutton (typo) on 16 March 2014@08:47:30.
Catharine Roth (tweak) on 16 March 2014@09:37:25.
Catharine Roth (cosmetics) on 8 November 2021@18:43:45.
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