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Adler number: pi,2366
Translated headword: advocate; Prodikos, Prodicus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [An "advocate" is] a judge/juror in relation to friends, and an arbitrator.[1]
Aristophanes in
Centaur [writes]: "for personally, if anything has done you injustice, I want the case to go to arbitration by one of your own friends."[2]
And [there is] a proverb: 'wiser than
Aristophanes in
Clouds [writes]: "for we would certainly not listen to another more than
Prodicus on account of his wisdom and judgement."[4]
Prodicus [was] a sophist, Keian by descent. He was at his prime during Socratic times. This man was the first to create a fifty-drachma display[-lecture].[5]
Plato in
Protagoras and
Xenophon in the
Memorabilia make mention of him.[6] But in truth
Aristophanes also did in
Broilers, thus: "either
Prodicus or one of his disciples destroyed this man or [his] book."[7] And [
Aristophanes] also slandered him in
Birds: "you may in future tell
Prodicus from me to go hang".[8] This man was also a teacher of Theramenes, the so-called Kothornos, who took part in the tyranny of the 30. He was called Kothornos because he was equally enthusiastic about the 30 and about the democracy.[9] It is also said that there was a book written by
Prodicus [entitled]
Horai, in which he made Heracles encounter Virtue and Vice; each of them calls him to behave like her, but Heracles opts for Virtue, judging her exertions preferable to the sweet opportunites offered by the other.[10]
Greek Original:*pro/dikon: dikasth\n e)pi\ fi/lwn, kai\ diaithth/n. *)aristofa/nhs *kentau/rw|: e)gw\ ga/r, ei)/ ti s' h)di/khk', e)qe/lw di/khn dou=nai pro/dikon e(ni\ tw=n fi/lwn tw=n sw=n e(ni/. kai\ paroimi/a: *prodi/kou sofw/teros. *)aristofa/nhs *nefe/lais: ou)/te ga\r a)/llw| g' u(pakou/saimen plh\n h)\ *prodi/kw| sofi/as kai\ gnw/mhs e(/neka. sofisth\s de\ o( *pro/dikos, *kei=os to\ ge/nos. h)/kmase de\ kata\ tou\s xro/nous *swkra/tous. prw=tos de\ ou(=tos th\n penthkonta/draxmon e)pi/deicin e)poih/sato. mnhmoneu/ei de\ au)tou= kai\ *pla/twn e)n *prwtago/ra| kai\ *cenofw=n e)n toi=s *)apomnhmoneu/masin. ou) mh\n a)lla\ kai\ *)aristofa/nhs e)n *taghnistai=s ou(/tws: to\n a)/ndra tou=ton h)\ bibli/on die/fqeiren h)\ *pro/dikos h)\ tw=n a)dole/sxwn ei(=s ge/ tis. diaba/llei de\ au)to\n kai\ e)n *)/ornisi: par' e)mou= *prodi/kw| kla/ein ei)/phte to\ loipo/n. dida/skalos de\ h)=n ou(=tos kai\ *qhrame/nous, tou= e)pikaloume/nou *koqo/rnou, o(\s th=s tw=n l# turanni/dos mete/sxe. ko/qornos de\ e)kalei=to, e)pei\ kai\ toi=s l# sune/speude kai\ tw=| plh/qei. fe/retai de\ kai\ bibli/on *prodi/kou e)pigrafo/menon *(=wrai, e)n w(=| pepoi/hke to\n *(hrakle/a th=| *)areth=| kai\ th=| *kaki/a| suntugxa/nonta, kai\ kalou/shs e(kate/ras e)pi\ ta\ h)/qh au)tou=, proskli=nai th=| *)areth=| to\n *(hrakle/a kai\ tou\s e)kei/nhs i(drw=tas prokri=nai tw=n proskai/rwn th=s kaki/as h(donw=n.
This entry combines material on (i) the noun and adjective
prodikos (from
Photius pi1201 Theodoridis -- see n. 1 below) and (ii) the sophist Prodikos of
Keos (for whom see already
pi 2365).
[1] Accusative case(s), presumably from the quotation which follows. Note however that the Suda here garbles
Photius' entry, where the headword is the a two-word phrase,
pro/dikon di/khn (from the quotation), and the gloss reads
th\n e)pi\ fi/lwn kai\ diaithtw=n "the sort [of suit] which relates to friends and arbitrators".
Aristophanes fr. 267 Kock, now 278 K.-A.
Apostolius 14.76, etc.
Clouds 360-361 (abridged), with scholion to 361; cf.
omega 167.
[5] For this see
Cratylus 384B (Socrates laments, tongue in cheek, that he himself could afford only the economy version, at one drachma); cf.
Rhetoric 1415b15.
Protagoras 314C and passim;
Memorabilia 2.1.21-34 (summarised below, at n.10).
Aristophanes fr. 490 Kock, now 506 K.-A.
Birds 692. For the idiom "tell someone to weep", cf.
eta 11,
epsilon 3073.
[9] cf.
theta 342,
kappa 1909.
omega 167.
Keywords: biography; chronology; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; geography; law; mythology; philosophy; politics; proverbs
Translated by: Kenneth Bumbaco on 11 May 2006@00:02:07.
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