[Meaning] built outwards for stability; but some [say it means] the first [posts] extending forward -- which is [a] preferable [interpretation].[1]
Stability indeed [is called] pro/blhma ["bulwark"]. "There was no bulwark in front of the encampment."[2]
*problh=tas: e)/cw probeblhme/nas u(pe\r a)sfalei/as: oi( de\ ta\s prw/tas probeblhme/nas: o(\ kai\ ma=llon. *pro/blhma dh\ kai\ h( a)sfa/leia. pro/blhma de\ ou)de\n h)=n pro\ th=s stratopedei/as.
[1] Likewise or similarly in other lexica (references at
Photius pi1189 Theodoridis), as well as a scholion on
Iliad 12.259 (web address 1); the Trojans are dismantling the Achaeans' fortifications. For a substantive use of the adjective
problh/s (here, as glossed, in the feminine accusative plural), see
pi 2344.
[2] Quotation (transmitted, in Adler's view, via the
Excerpta Constantini Porphyrogeniti) unidentifiable. The phrase
pro\ th=s stratopedei/as occurs several time in
Polybius and once in
Plutarch. For other senses of
pro/blhma, see
pi 2340,
pi 2341,
pi 2342.
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