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Search results for pi,2333 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,2333
Translated headword: sheep-seller
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [sc. In reference to] Kallias and the regime of his time; or Lysikles, son [of] Aspasia. But Eukrates [was] an oakum-dealer, he who was also called Styppax.[1]
But Kleon [was] a leather-seller.[2] [The word] is not used in reference to selling hides, but in reference to handing over [i.e. "selling" for gain] the affairs of the city.[3]
Greek Original:*probatopw/lhs: o( *kalli/as kai\ h( e)p' au)tou= politei/a: h)\ *lusiklh=s, ui(e\ *)aspasi/a. stuppeiopw/lhs de\ o( *eu)kra/ths, o(\s kai\ *stu/ppac e)kalei=to. bursopw/lhs de\ o( *kle/wn. ou)k e)pi\ tou= pwlei=n ta\s bu/rsas parei/lhptai, a)ll' e)pi\ tou= th=s po/lews a)podi/dosqai ta\ pra/gmata.
[1] From a scholion on
Knights 132, where the headword (again at 138) occurs: web address 1. All three individuals mentioned appear to have been populist Athenian politicians in the period between the decline of Pericles (d. 429 BCE) and the ascendancy of Kleon (below). For Eukrates see also
sigma 1257 (and
alpha 3069). [The transmitted phrase
ui(e\ *)aspasi/a makes no sense: Aemilius Portus ventured to emend it to
ui(o\s *)aspasi/as "son of Aspasia." Ms M (notable for scholarly emendations) contains a note bringing attention to the problem.]
[2] From a scholion on
Peace 270 or 648. For Kleon see generally
kappa 1731.
[3] From a scholion on
Knights 133; cf.
pi 2158.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; comedy; daily life; definition; economics; ethics; imagery; politics; trade and manufacture; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 10 May 2013@22:03:02.
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