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Search results for pi,2327 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,2327
Translated headword: putting forward
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Meaning [them] holding out. As if putting [something] in the mind before the event. [So]
Demosthenes in the [speech]
For Ktesiphon [sc. uses the word].[1] And in the [speech]
Against Aischines he calls the constitutional policy "put-forward and distrusting", meaning unstable. In the [speech]
Against Meidias he says "and I put forward [the name of] this man as an offender in respect of the festival",[3] meaning I employed the common and customary
probole procedure against offenders in respect of the festival. In the
Philippics he says "he neither knows nor cares [how] to protect himself or to watch an opponent",[4] meaning to stretch out the hands as if to fight.
Greek Original:*proballome/nous: a)nti\ tou= u(potiqeme/nous. oi(=on pro\ th=s pra/cews ei)s to\n nou=n e)mballome/nous. o( *dhmosqe/nhs e)n tw=| u(pe\r *kthsifw=ntos. kai\ tw=| kat' *ai)sxi/nou, th\n proai/resin, fhsi/, th=s politei/as probeblhme/nhn kai\ a)/piston ei)pei=n. a)nti\ tou= e)lafrw=s e)/xousan. e)n de\ tw=| kata\ *meidi/ou: kai\ proubalo/mhn, fhsi/n, a)dikei=n tou=ton peri\ th\n e(orth/n. a)nti\ tou= probolh=| e)xrhsa/mhn th=| sunh/qei kai\ nomizome/nh| kata\ tw=n peri\ th\n e(orth\n a)dikou/ntwn. e)n de\ toi=s *filippikoi=s fhsi: proba/llesqai d' h)\ ble/pein e)nanti/on ou)/te oi)=den ou)/te e)qe/loi. a)nti\ tou= protei/nein ta\s xei=ras w(s ei)s ma/xhn.
From Harpokration s.v. The headword participle, extracted from
Demosthenes (see n.1), is masculine accusative plural.
Demosthenes 18.97 (web address 1).
Demosthenes 19.27 (web address 2).
Demosthenes 21.1 (web address 3). On
probole see
pi 2345.
Demosthenes 4.40 (web address 4). The optative
e)qe/loi is a mistake for the indicative
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3,
Web address 4
Keywords: constitution; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; imagery; law; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 17 December 2000@11:37:54.
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