Suda On Line
Search results for pi,2324 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,2324
Translated headword: to bring forward
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Meaning to proffer.
Thucydides [writes]: "but [it is necessary to speak of] the Persian Wars and the rest of the things that you yourselves know, even if perpetually bringing them forward will be rather tiresome".[1] And the Orator [writes]: "the perpetual talk I see them perpetually bringing forward".[2]
Greek Original:*proba/llesqai: a)nti\ tou= protei/nesqai. *qoukudi/dhs: ta\ de\ *mhdika\ kai\ o(/sa au)toi\ ta/contai di' o)/xlou ma/llon e)/stai a)ei\ proballome/noisi. kai\ o( *(rh/twr: th\n a)eilogi/an o(rw= a)ei\ proballome/nous.
The headword is present middle infinitive of
Same entry (but without the garbling: see n.1 below) in
Photius pi1180 Theodoridis.
For this verb see also
pi 2327,
pi 2328.
Thucydides 1.73.2 (here garbled: read
o(/sa au)toi\ cu/niste, ei) kai/ for the Suda's untranslatable
o(/sa au)toi\ ta/contai). See web address 1.
Demosthenes 19.2 -- which in fact, as transmitted, has
proteinome/nous rather than the Suda's
proballome/nous. See web address 2.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; military affairs; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 11 March 2010@08:20:39.
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