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Search results for pi,2279 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,2279
Translated headword: principes
Vetting Status: high
Translation: This is what Romans call those who are in the prime of life; for the younger and poorer men they call velites,[1] then the principes;[2] the oldest men [are called] triarii;[3] and the so-called hastati come before the principes. And these are the names. As regards the deployment: the triarii are 600, the principes 1200, the hastati the same, the velites more than four thousand; and [the velites] carry a sword and a javelin.
Greek Original:*pri/gkipes: ou(/tw kalou=si *(rwmai=oi tou\s a)kmaiota/tous tai=s h(liki/ais: tou\s ga\r newte/rous kai\ penixrote/rous grosfoma/xous kalou=sin, ei)=ta tou\s pri/gkipas: tou\s de\ presbu/tas triari/ous: kai\ tou\s a(sta/tous kaloume/nous, oi(/ ei)si pro/teroi tw=n prigki/pwn. kai\ au(=tai me\n ai( o)nomasi/ai. h( de\ e)co/plisis tou\s me\n triari/ous ei)=nai x#, tou\s de\ pri/gkipas #22as1#, i)/sous de\ tou/tois tou\s a(sta/tous, tou\s de\ grosfoma/xous plei/ous tw=n tetrakisxili/wn: forei=n de\ ma/xairan kai\ gro/sfon.
An approximation of
Polybius 6.21.7-22.1, on recruitment into the Roman army of the middle Republic.
[1] Literally, light-armed troops. More precisely, in the Greek,
grosphomachoi, javelin-fighters.
[2] cf.
pi 2280.
[3] cf.
tau 942.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; historiography; military affairs
Translated by: David Whitehead on 1 March 2010@07:29:28.
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