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Search results for pi,2269 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,2269
Translated headword: lightning-bolt
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning a] fire from heaven.[1]
Or "a cloud rent all round by fire along with a most violent wind."[2]
"[...] a wind with thunder-claps and lightning-bolts having arisen from Libya and the turbulence of the [sc. ocean's] swell having put the ships in peril."[3]
And elsewhere: "many unforeseen blasts came down, many most violent lightning-bolts, and great waves."[4]
Greek Original:*prhsth/r: pu=r a)p' ou)ranou=. h)\ ne/fos perisxeqe\n puri\ meta\ pneu/matos biaiota/tou. pneu/matos meta\ brontw=n kai\ prhsth/rwn e)canasta/ntos *libukou= kai\ taraxh\n tou= klu/dwnos ei)rgasme/nou kakwqh=nai ta\s nau=s. kai\ au)=qis: polla\ de\ fush/mata a)proo/rata e)mpi/ptei, polloi\ de\ prhsth=res biaio/tatoi kai\ mege/qh kuma/twn.
The headword, already at
pi 2268, is a masculine noun in the nominative singular; see generally LSJ s.v., and cf. also the cognate verb at
pi 2266. As the glosses and quotations in the present entry show, the headword's meaning varies with context; cf.
pi 2268 notes.
[1] The headword is identically glossed in
Lexicon (pi1167 Theodoridis),
Lexica Segueriana 347.35, and the
Synagoge; cf.
Hesychius pi3276.
[2] From
Diogenes Laertius 7.154, on the meteorological theories of
Zeno (
zeta 79) and his followers, the Stoics.
[3] Quotation unidentifiable.
[4] Tentatively attributed by Adler to either
Aelian or
Iamblichus; now
Babyloniaca fr. 123 Habrich.
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; philosophy; science and technology
Translated by: Ronald Allen on 5 December 2010@23:36:17.
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