*pre/sba: e)ntimota/th.
For the headword
pre/sba see LSJ s.v.: "Ep[ic] fem[inine] of
august, honoured (never
aged); in Il[iad] mostly of Hera." Indeed, in the source of the present entry (see next note),
Iliad 14.194 (web address 1), Aphrodite addresses Hera as
pre/sba qea/:
honored goddess. For this expression, Cunliffe suggests
queen of heaven (p. 341).
[1] The gloss, which follows the
scholia to the aforementioned passage, is the superlative degree, feminine nominative singular, of the two-ending adjective
e)/ntimos, -on (
in honor); see generally LSJ s.v.
R.J. Cunliffe, A Lexicon of the Homeric Dialect, Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1963
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