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Adler number: pi,2221
Translated headword: gentleness, good temper
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] inirascibility.[1]
If one characterized continence as a genus of good temper, and defines good temper as 'continence of anger',[2] he is not giving a correct characterization; for what follows from a certain hypothesis would not be a genus. For the genus [is] inseparable.
Gentleness, in reference to God [means] small revenge.
David [says]: "gentleness made an approach to us, and we will be taught."[3]
Gentle/good-tempered (
praos) [comes] from
raos ['easy'], so
Greek Original:*prao/ths: a)orghsi/a. a)\n de/ tis th=s prao/thtos ge/nos a)podw=| th\n e)gkra/teian kai\ o(ri/shtai au)th\n e)gkra/teian o)rgh=s, ou)k o)rqw=s a)podi/dwsin: ou) ga\r to\ e)c u(poqe/sew/s tini a)kolouqou=n ei)/h a)\n kai\ ge/nos. to\ ga\r ge/nos a)xw/riston. *prao/ths, e)pi\ qeou= h( mikra\ timwri/a. *dabi/d: o(/ti e)ph=lqe prao/ths e)f' h(ma=s, kai\ paideuqhso/meqa. *pra=os de\ a)po\ tou= r(a=|on, r(a=|os, kai\ pra=os.
[1] "Good temper is a mean with respect to anger" (
Nicomachean Ethics 1125b26, Revised Oxford Translation). "...since we call the intermediate person good-tempered let us call the mean good temper; of the persons at the extremes let the one who exceeds be called irascible, and his vice irascibility, and the man who falls short an inirascible sort of person, and the deficiency inirascibility" (
Nicomachean Ethics 1108a5-9, Revised Oxford Translation).
[2] cf. Alexander of
Commentaries on Aristotle's Topica 364.1.
[3] Theodoret (PG 80, 1604c) on
Psalm 89.10
Keywords: Christianity; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; philosophy; religion
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 12 November 1999@08:58:57.
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