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Adler number: pi,2216
Translated headword: action
Vetting Status: high
Translation: More generally [speaking this means] all rational activity, but in a special and stricter sense [it means activity performed] by choice, that is activity produced by virtue or vice. Those things are more choiceworthy whose respective actions are more choiceworthy. For instance, if acting justly is more worth choosing than acting courageously, justice also is more worth choosing than courage. [...] The activity directing towards the end is an action, but the end is a deed.
Greek Original:*pra=cis: koino/teron me\n pa=sa logikh\ e)ne/rgeia, i)di/ws de\ kai\ kuriw/teron h( kata\ proai/resin, toute/stin h( kat' a)reth\n h)\ kaki/an e)ne/rgeia ginome/nh. w(=n ou)=n ai( pra/ceis ai(retw/terai, tau=ta ai(retw/tera: oi(=on ei) to\ ta\ di/kaia pra/ssein tou= ta\ a)ndrei=a pra/ssein ai(retw/teron, kai\ h( dikaiosu/nh th=s a)ndrei/as ai(retwte/ra. e)/sti de\ pra=cis me\n h( pro\s to\ te/los tei/nousa e)ne/rgeia, e)/rgon de\ to\ te/los.
Keywords: definition; ethics; philosophy
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 12 November 1999@13:06:25.
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