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Search results for pi,2215 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,2215
Translated headword: having taken by treachery
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning he] having been bribed.[1] "Ourbios, having taken it by treachery, captured by night part of the citadel and brought in the Romans".[2]
"He enslaved many cities, having treacherously taken them with trickery and force".[3]
Greek Original:*pracikoph/sas: dwrodokhqei/s. o( de\ *ou)/rbios pracikoph/sas nukto\s kate/labe to\ me/ros th=s a)kropo/lews kai\ tou\s *(rwmai/ous ei)sh/gage. polla\s po/leis h)ndrapodi/sato, pracikoph/sas meta\ do/lou kai\ bi/as.
See also
pi 2214,
epsilon 2855.
[1] The glossing participle is indeed transmitted as aorist passive, but Bernhardy was surely right to think it ought to be middle (
dwrodokhsa/menos), i.e. having used bribery.
Polybius 21.32b, on events at Same (in
Kephallenia) in 189/8 BCE. The name Ourbios (or Ourvios), here and in
omicron 943, represents Fulvius: M. Fulvius Nobilior, one of the consuls of that year and a friend of the poet Ennius (
epsilon 1348). The change of
-lv- to
-rv- is normal in Greek; it is not clear whether the loss of
f- here is graphical or phonological.
[3] An approximation of
Polybius 8.9.3 (citing
Theopompus on Philip II of Macedon); cf.
epsilon 1736.
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; historiography; history; military affairs
Translated by: David Whitehead on 25 October 2001@08:41:20.
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