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Headword: *pra/mnios oi)=nos
Adler number: pi,2207
Translated headword: Pramnian wine
Vetting Status: high
Aristarchus was careful to call the sweet wine "Pramnian". Some [say] the wine which is for sale is long-lasting [paramo/nimos];[1] some [say it is so called] from the vine which is called Pramnian; some [say] it is properly the dark [wine]; some [say it is the wine which gentles [prau+/nonta] the spirit [me/nos], which they also call medicinal. Semos the Delian in his third [book says][2] that in Nikaia[3] there is a Pramnan [sic] rock,[4] from which the wine comes.
Greek Original:
*pra/mnios oi)=nos: *)ari/starxos e)pimelw=s to\n h(du\n oi)=non *pra/mnion e)/lege: tine\s to\n w)/nion oi)=non paramo/nimon, tine\s a)po\ a)mpe/lou *pramni/as o)nomazome/nhs, oi( de\ i)di/ws to\n me/lana: e)/nioi to\n prau/+nonta to\ me/nos, o(\n kai\ farmaki/thn fasi/. *sh=mos o( *dh/lios e)n g#, e)n *nikai/w| *pra/mnon pe/tran ei)=nai, a)f' h(=s to\n oi)=non ei)=nai.
Same entry in Photius (pi1135 Theodoridis, but see further in notes below); similar material in other lexica, in Didymus (cited by Athenaeus, Deipnosophists 1.30D [1.55 Kaibel]), and in scholia on Homer (Iliad 11.638), Aristophanes (Knights 107), and Plato (Ion 538C). For Aristarchus see alpha 3892.
cf. upsilon 644.
[1] paramonimos only here in the Suda; Photius' word was paramonios.
[2] FGrH 396 [sigma 327] F6.
[3] Apparently a toponym (though Theodoridis does not print one). but emended by Kuster to Ikaros [iota 257] on the strength of Athenaeus (above).
[4] Textual doubt again here: Theodoridis tentatively prints o( pra/gmwn.
Keywords: botany; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; epic; food; geography; historiography; medicine
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 21 April 2013@01:09:05.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaking) on 21 April 2013@04:44:21.
David Whitehead (augmented notes; tweaking) on 13 October 2013@07:15:28.
David Whitehead (expanded primary note) on 24 June 2016@08:08:51.


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