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Search results for pi,2203 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,2203
Translated headword: practical
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "Neither [are] the practical thought-processes unlimited nor the theoretical, since the rationales of these are not unlimited either. For rationales are messengers of thoughts, which although they come later than both the practical thought-processes and the theoretical, yet are clearer and better understood by us. So as is the case with [rationales concerning theoretical thought-processes, ...]."[1]
Greek Original:*praktikai/: o(/ti ou)/te ai( praktikai\ noh/seis a)/peiroi ou)/te ai( qewrhtikai/, e)pei\ mhde\ oi( tou/twn lo/goi a)/peiroi. a)/ggeloi de/ ei)si tw=n nohma/twn oi( lo/goi: oi(/tines ka)\n u(/steroi/ ei)si tw=n praktikw=n noh/sewn kai\ qewrhtikw=n, a)ll' h(mi=n ge e)mfane/steroi kai\ gnwrimw/teroi/ ei)sin. w(s ou)=n e)/xousin oi( peri\ tw=n ...
The headword, feminine nominative plural of this adjective, is extracted from the quotation. For another form of it, see
pi 2204.
[1] An approximation of John
Commentary on Aristotle's De anima 133.24-28.
Keywords: dialects, grammar, and etymology; imagery; philosophy
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 5 April 2013@00:50:07.
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