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Search results for pi,2181 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,2181
Translated headword: stone
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] petrification of moisture.[1] Also [sc. attested is] pwrw=, a verb, [meaning] I harden and I petrify.[2]
The Pisidian [writes]: "and hardening the drops and binding them together in a stony manner."[3]
Also [sc. attested is] pw/rinos li/qos.[4]
Greek Original:*pw=ros: a)poli/qwsis u(grou=. kai\ *pwrw=, r(h=ma, to\ sklhru/nw, kai\ liqopoiw=. *pisi/dhs: kai\ ta\s i)kma/das pwrou=nta kai\ sfi/ggonta liqw/dei tro/pw|. kai\ *pw/rinos li/qos.
[1] On the headword, a masculine noun (again
pi 2182), see generally LSJ s.v.
pw=ros. This sense of it corresponds to LSJ's no.4,
stalactite, for which
Aristotle (
Meteorologica 388b26) is cited there; and cf. ps.-Herodian 113.
[2] See generally LSJ s.v.
[3] George of
Heraclias 3 fr. 22.
Theophrastus and
Pliny describe
pw/rinos li/qos as a kind of marble used in building (= the primary sense in LSJ s.v.
Keywords: architecture; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; imagery; poetry; science and technology; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 28 April 2013@01:16:07.
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