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Search results for pi,2176 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,2176
Translated headword: where?; not at all
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Meaning whence? Like
ou)damw=s ["not at all"]. The [component]
pw= ["where"] is Doric, used instead of
po/qen ["whence"]; but the [component]
mala is either redundant or said customarily in the [word]
pw/mala, like
ou) ma/la.
[sc. Also] meaning
ou) ["not"] or meaning
ou)do/lws ["not at all"]. It is Attic.
Lysias in the
Letter to (?)Asybaros [writes]: "for the women nobly said that they had not danced at all, since it was not even right for them to drink and leave the symposium."[1] They were[?].[2]
Greek Original:*pw/mala: a)nti\ tou= po/qen. oi(=on ou)damw=s. e)/sti de\ to\ me\n pw= *dw/rion, tiqe/menon a)nti\ tou= po/qen: to\ de\ mala h)\ pare/lkei, h)\ e)n sunhqei/a| lego/menon e)n tw=| pw/mala, oi(=on ou) ma/la. a)nti\ tou= ou) h)\ a)nti\ tou= ou)do/lws. e)/sti de\ *)attiko/n. *lusi/as e)n th=| pro\s *)asu/baron e)pistolh=|: gennai/ws ga\r ai( gunai=kes pw/mala e)/fasan w)rxh=sqai au)ta/s, de/on ou)de\ piou/sas a)phlla/xqai tou= sumposi/ou. e)ge/nonto.
For this headword see also
pi 2177, and generally LSJ s.v.
pw=, II. The first two of the present entry's three parts has parallels in Harpokration (pi132 Keaney),
Hesychius (pi4504), Orion [
Myth] s.v.,
Lexicon (pi1595 Theodoridis), and a scholion on
Plutus [
Wealth] 66.
Lysias fr. 254 Sauppe, now 451 Carey OCT. It is preserved only here, and contains some striking features, chiefly the role/status of the women referred to, and the otherwise unattested name Asybaros. (The variant Asobaros, reported by Adler as the reading of ms G, is no better. DW proposes ASTYBAROS. The name is not attested in
Athens but cf. the early Median king called Astybaros or Astibara(s) mentioned in
Diodorus Siculus and elsewhere).
[2] Küster deleted
e)ge/nonto, for obvious reasons. [Adler notes Dindorf's observation that singular
e)ge/neq' occurs in the fragment of
Aristophanes quoted by Harpokration (cf. under
pi 2177), but that scarcely seems enough to save the plural here.]
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; food; meter and music; rhetoric; women
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 6 May 2013@19:28:21.
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