Suda On Line
Search results for pi,2160 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,2160
Translated headword: sellers, poletai
Vetting Status: high
Translation: ['Sellers'] and 'Sellery'. The Sellers hold a particular official position at
Athens, ten men in number, one from each tribe. They manage[1] everything which is sold by the city: the taxes and mines and leases and confiscated property. [The] Sellery[2] is the name of the place where the Sellers meet.
Greek Original:*pwlhtai\ kai\ *pwlhth/rioi: oi( me\n *pwlhtai\ a)rxh/ ti/s e)stin *)aqh/nhsi, de/ka to\n a)riqmo\n a)/ndres, ei(=s e)k th=s fulh=s e(ka/sths. dokou=si de\ ta\ piprasko/mena u(po\ th=s po/lews pa/nta, ta\ te/lh kai\ me/talla kai\ misqw/seis kai\ ta\ dhmeuo/mena. *pwlhthro\n de\ kalei=tai o( to/pos, e)/nqa sunedreu/ousin oi( *pwlhtai/.
Abbreviated from Harpokration s.v., commenting on the mention of these terms (the second of which should be neuter
pwlhth/rion) in
Hyperides fr. 18 Jensen, and also citing the Aristotelian
Athenaion Politeia (47.2) and
Isaeus fr. 50 Sauppe.
See also
pi 2159,
pi 2161.
[1] The transmitted text has
dokou=si, "They seem", but this is a corruption of
dioikou=si; see Harpok.
[2] Both here and in the headword-phrase itself the word
pwlhth/rion is slightly corrupt; I have ignored this in translation.
Keywords: constitution; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; law; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 17 December 2000@11:16:35.
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