[Meaning] someone [engaged in] vending.
"For he was a seller of grave-goods".[1]
Also [sc. attested is the plural]
pwlhtai/:[2] these men used to sell the properties of those who owed money to the public treasury [sc. in classical
Athens] by a fixed time and were not paying. But also subject to the poletai were any men who were not contributing the registered sum of money in wartime, besides those who had been convicted of usurping citizenship and metics who had failed to take a prostates and been convicted on that charge;[3] for [the poletai] used to sell off the properties of these men and pay the proceeds into the public treasury.
*pwlhth/s: o( pipra/skwn. h)=n ga\r e)ntafi/wn pwlhth/s. kai\ *pwlhtai/: ou(=toi tw=n o)feilo/ntwn tw=| dhmosi/w| kata\ proqesmi/an kai\ mh\ a)podido/ntwn e)pi/praskon ta\s ou)si/as. u(pe/keinto de\ toi=s *pwlhtai=s kai\ o(/soi to\ diagrafe\n a)rgu/rion e)n pole/mw| mh\ ei)se/feron, e)/ti kai\ oi( ceni/as a(lo/ntes kai\ o( me/toikos kai\ prosta/thn ou)k e)/xwn kai\ o( a)postasi/ou grafei/s: tou/twn ga\r ta\s ou)si/as pwlou=ntes parekate/balon ei)s to\ dhmo/sion.
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