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Adler number: pi,2145
Translated headword: Poulcheria, Pulcheria
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Daughter of
Arcadius and [sc. herself] a princess, when not yet 15 years old she managed the kingdom very well; she also educated her brother
Theodosius.[1] For being most wise and having a god-like mind she dedicated her own virginity to God and taught her sisters to do the same. She prescribed rules for her brother in all things, and taught him behaviour and speech, walk and laughter and drape of garments and how to look like a king when sitting and standing; but above all else she carefully taught him piety towards God; and she did just the same concerning her sisters. Having herself founded many churches and poorhouses and hostels and monasteries she established processions [sc. at them] and by other numerous successes God often appeared through her. Her sisters were Arcadia and Marina.
Theodosius] was naturally sluggish and inconsiderate and took everything for granted, especially those laying before him papyri that he signed before reading. Most wise Pulcheria, knowing this, once wisely beguiled him, presenting to him as a gift for slavery his own wife Eudocia. Having signed this without understanding it beforehand, he was later most terribly rebuked by Pulcheria.[2]
Pulcheria hated Nestorius so much, as those loving him report, that Nestorius charged Pulcheria with prostitution before her brother,
Theodosius the emperor, and because of this he was so hated by her; for he reviled her to the great
magister [sc.
officiorum] of the day called Paulinus.
Greek Original:*poulxeri/a, *)arkadi/ou quga/thr kai\ basili/s, ie# e)tw=n ou)/pw tugxa/nousa a)/rista th\n basilei/an diw/|kei: e)pai/deuse de\ kai\ to\n a)delfo\n *qeodo/sion. sofwta/th ga\r ou)=sa kai\ qei=on nou=n kekthme/nh th/n te i)di/an parqeni/an qew=| prosane/qhke kai\ ta\s a)delfa\s to\ o(/moion pra=cai e)di/dacen. ei)s pa/nta de\ to\n a)delfo\n e)kano/nizen, h)=qo/s te kai\ lo/gon, ba/disma kai\ ge/lwta kai\ e)nduma/twn peribolh\n kai\ sxh=ma kaqe/dras kai\ sta/sews basilikw=s e)cepai/deuse: pro\ de/ ge a(pa/ntwn, th\n ei)s to\ qei=on eu)se/beian au)to\n e)pimelw=s e)di/dasken: w(sau/tws de\ kai\ peri\ ta\s a)delfa\s diege/neto. polla\s de\ e)kklhsi/as kai\ ptwxei=a kai\ cenw=nas kai\ monasth/ria au)th\ kti/sasa kai\ proso/dous a)fw/rise, kai\ pro\s a)/llois muri/ois katorqw/masi polla/kis au)th=| kai\ to\ qei=on e)fai/neto. ai( de\ a)delfai\ *)arkadi/a kai\ *mari/na. o( de\ fu/sei nwqro/s te kai\ a)peri/skeptos e)s pa/nta me\n u(ph=rxe, ma/lista de\ e)s tou\s u(poba/llontas au)tw=| xa/rtas a)paranagnw/stws u(pe/grafen. o(/per h( sofwta/th gnou=sa/ pote *poulxeri/a sofw=s u(ph=lqen au)to/n, dwrea\n u(pobalou=sa dh=qen pro\s doulei/an th\n e(autou= gameth\n *eu)doki/an. h(\n kai\ kaqupogra/yas mh\ pro/teron a)nagnou\s u(/steron deinw=s w)neidi/zeto para\ th=s *poulxeri/as. o(/ti *poulxeri/a e)pi\ tosou=ton e)mi/sei to\n *nesto/rion, w(s tou\s filou=ntas e)kei=non diaqrulei=n, o(/ti pornei/an pro\s to\n a)delfo\n au)th=s *qeodo/sion to\n basile/a die/bale *poulxeri/as *nesto/rios, kai\ dia\ tou=to ou(/tws u(p' au)th=s e)misei=to: e)loido/rei ga\r au)th\n ei)s to\n to/te ma/gistron *paulino\n lego/menon.
Aelia Pulcheria (399-453); daughter, sister and wife of emperors (
Theodosius II and Marcian respectively); also a saint in both the Catholic and the Eastern Orthodox churches. See also
pi 2146.
The present entry's material comes in part from George the Monk (see n. 2 below) but mainly from
Theodorus Anagnostes.
Theodosius II, 401-450 AD. On
Theodosius and Pulcheria see briefly OCD(4) p.1459.
[2] For this anecdote see George the Monk,
Chronicon 611.5-11.
Keywords: biography; Christianity; clothing; economics; ethics; gender and sexuality; historiography; history; law; religion; women
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 15 April 2000@01:35:16.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (modified translation; added note; cosmetics) on 23 May 2001@07:07:49.
Catharine Roth (added keywords) on 3 October 2005@17:32:50.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords) on 19 February 2010@06:05:39.
David Whitehead (modified end of translation, prompted by Dr George Bevan) on 24 August 2010@04:45:46.
David Whitehead (another note and keyword) on 11 October 2013@05:14:00.
David Whitehead on 10 August 2014@06:41:13.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 10 November 2014@10:21:07.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticule) on 10 November 2014@10:23:18.
David Whitehead (corrected a phrase in translation, at the prompting of John Raffan) on 16 January 2022@03:52:10.
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