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Headword: *po/stoumos
Adler number: pi,2120
Translated headword: Postumus
Vetting Status: high
A Roman, from (?)Napya,[1] who was educated in Hellenic culture, having become enamoured of it after 50 years. He had at first been a goldsmith; but once the passion for learning had entered into him, he set off for Athens and had a full Greek education there. He lived to a ripe old age and learned many fine things. So it was not unreasonable to say, of this Postumus, that saying which once Heraclitus applied to himself: 'I went in search of myself'.[2]
Greek Original:
*po/stoumos, *(rwmai=os, a)po\ *napu/hs, ta/ te *(ellh/nwn e)paideu/qh, e)rasqei\s au)tw=n meta\ e)/th l#. ta\ de\ prw=ta xrusoxo/os h)=n. e)pei\ de\ a(/pac au)to\n ei)sh=lqen o(/de o( filo/logos e)/rws, e)s ta\s *)aqh/nas w(/rmhse kai\ e)cemousw/qh ta\ *(ellh/nwn e)kei=qi. kai\ e)s gh=ras baqu\ h)/lase, polla\ kai\ kala\ ei)dw/s. ou)/koun a)peiko\s h)=n kai\ to/nde to\n *postou=mon le/gein lo/gon e)kei=non, o(/nper ou)=n *(hra/kleitos ei)=pen e)f' e(autou=: e)mewu+to\n e)dizhsa/mhn.
Aelian fr. 314a Domingo-Forasté (317 Hercher).
[1] No such place is otherwise attested; the emendation 'Kapya' (i.e. Capua, on the Campanian coast N of Naples: kappa 351) has been generally adopted.
[2] For this saying, see also e.g. Plutarch, Moralia 1118C.
Keywords: biography; chronology; ethics; geography; philosophy; trade and manufacture
Translated by: David Whitehead on 28 February 2010@08:49:21.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (tweak, status) on 9 April 2010@23:02:52.
David Whitehead (expanded n.1) on 11 April 2010@04:37:19.
David Whitehead on 27 October 2011@05:16:26.
Catharine Roth (updated reference, coding) on 21 October 2012@02:30:45.


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