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Headword: *posto/mios u(/patos
Adler number: pi,2118
Translated headword: Postumius (the) consul
Vetting Status: high
"This man thought greatly of himself, because of the rank of his family members and because he had already been distinguished by double consulships. At first his co-consul used to complain because he was being denied equality and many times he spoke his claims against him before the senate. Later, understanding that, regarding the dignity of his forebears and friends, and regarding other sources of power, he had less strength (for he was a commoner and had only lately achieved renown) he yielded to his co-consul and surrendered the command of the war. And this brought criticism to Postumius since it happened with great willfulness. And another thing happened that was more grievous than was suitable for a Roman leader. For, selecting from his own soldiers about two thousand men, he brought them to his own fields, in which he ordered them to cut down a thicket without axes. And he kept the men in his fields, doing the work of serfs and servants. And having done many other extremely grievous things, he provided to the people a just reason for hatred."
Greek Original:
*posto/mios u(/patos: ou(=tos me/ga fronw=n e)f' e(autw=| th=s ta/cews tou= ge/nous e(/neka kai\ o(/ti dittai=s u(patei/ais h)/dh kekosmhme/nos h)=n. e)f' oi(=s o( sunu/patos au)tou= katarxa\s me\n w(s a)pelauno/menos tw=n i)/swn h)gana/ktei kai\ polla/kis e)pi\ th=s boulh=s ta\ di/kaia pro\s au)to\n e)/legen: u(/steron de\ suggnou\s e(autw=| kata/ te progo/nwn o)/gkon kai\ fi/lwn kai\ kata\ ta\s a)/llas duna/meis e)la/ttona i)sxu\n e)/xonti [dhmotiko\s ga\r h)=n kai\ tw=n newsti\ parelqo/ntwn e)s gnw=sin] ei)=ce/ te tw=| sunupa/tw| kai\ parexw/rhse tou= pole/mou th\n h(gemoni/an. kai\ tou=to h)/negke diabolh\n tw=| *postomi/w| kata\ pollh\n au)qa/deian geno/menon, e(/teron de\ baru/teron h)\ w(s kata\ *(rwmai/wn h(gemo/na geno/menon. e)pileca/menos ga\r e)k th=s e(autou= stratia=s peri\ tou\s disxili/ous a)/ndras e)s tou\s i)di/ous a)grou\s a)ph/gagen, oi(=s a)/neu sidh/rou drumo\n e)ke/leuse kei/rein. kai\ kate/sxe tou\s a)/ndras e)n toi=s a)groi=s, qhtw=n e)/rga kai\ qerapo/ntwn u(phretou=ntas. kai\ a)/lla plei=sta o(/sa baru/tata diapraca/menos pare/sxe tw=| dh/mw| mi/sous a)forma\s dikai/ou.
= Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Roman Antiquities 17/18.4.1-4 (with a number of alterations). The Suda's headword phrase summarises the passage rather than occurring in it.
The individual featured is Lucius Postumius Megellus, 'a colourful and controversial political figure of the age of the Samnite Wars. He was three times consul (305, 294, 291 BC), and is said to have triumphed over the Samnites on all three occasions, and on the last two over the Etruscans as well. [...] In 291 he was fined for using soldiers under his command as agricultural labourers on his own estates, an episode dealt with in a newly discovered fragment of Livy book 11' (OCD4 s.v.).
Benedetto Bravo and Miriam T. Griffin, 'Un frammento de libro XI di Tito Livio?', Athenaeum 66 (1988), 447-521
Chantal Gabrielli, 'Lucius Postumius Megellus at Gabii: a new fragment of Livy', Classical Quarterly 53 (2003), 247-259 (with post Bravo/Griffin bibliography)
Keywords: agriculture; biography; botany; constitution; ethics; historiography; history; law; military affairs; politics
Translated by: Elizabeth Gohn on 14 March 2014@23:47:12.
Vetted by:
William Hutton (modified translation, tweaked note, added keyword, raised status) on 14 March 2014@23:53:24.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticule) on 15 March 2014@01:42:25.
David Whitehead (augmented notes; another keyword; tweaks and cosmetics; raised status) on 16 March 2014@05:03:23.
David Whitehead (added bibliography) on 16 March 2014@07:51:38.
David Whitehead on 16 March 2014@09:57:16.
David Whitehead on 10 August 2014@06:36:28.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticule) on 15 October 2021@22:58:59.


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