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Search results for pi,2114 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,2114
Translated headword: little pecker
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the male genital organ.[1] "A lion, a lion has been born to you, your very image. [sc. This is so] both as regards everything else and its little pecker so similar to yours, bent just like a
kuttaron". A
kuttaros (sic) [is] the covering of the acorn, where the acorn fits in.[2]
Aristophanes [writes]: "by Aphrodite, it smells sweetly of little pecker".[3]
Greek Original:*po/sqion: to\ ai)doi=on. le/wn, le/wn soi ge/gonen e)/kmagma so/n. ta/ t' a)/ll' a(paca/panta kai\ to\ po/sqion tw=| sw=| proso/moion, w(/sper ku/ttaron streblo/n. ku/ttaros de\ to\ pw=ma th=s bala/nou, o(/pou e)gka/qhtai h( ba/lanos. *)aristofa/nhs: nh\ th\n *)afrodi/thn, h(du/ g' o)/zei posqi/ou.
The headword is the neuter diminutive of
pi 2113 (q.v.).
[1] From the
scholia to
Thesmophoriazusae 254 (quoted at the end of the entry).
Thesmophoriazusae 514-516, with scholion; cf.
lambda 271.
Thesmophoriazusae 254, on the clothes of the pederast
Agathon (
alpha 124). (The noun is meant to come as a surprise, for 'perfume' or the like.)
Keywords: biography; botany; clothing; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; gender and sexuality; imagery; medicine; religion; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 31 January 2013@03:59:02.
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