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Search results for pi,2108 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,2108
Translated headword: Posidonius, Poseidonios
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [
Posidonius], of Alexandria. Stoic philosopher. A pupil of
Zeno of Citium.[1] He wrote a history continuing from
Polybius in 52 books, down to the Cyrenaic war and
Ptolemy;[2] rhetorical declamations; hypotheses to
Demosthenes (but I think that these are rather [the work] of
Posidonius the sophist, of Olbiopolis).[3]
Greek Original:*poseidw/nios, *)alecandreu/s, filo/sofos *stwi+ko/s, maqhth\s *zh/nwnos tou= *kitie/ws. e)/grayen i(stori/an th\n meta\ *polu/bion e)n bibli/ois nb# e(/ws tou= pole/mou tou= *kurhnai+kou= kai\ *ptolemai/ou, kai\ mele/tas r(htorika/s, u(poqe/seis ei)s *dhmosqe/nhn: kai\ oi)=mai tau=ta ma=llon *poseidwni/ou tou= sofistou= ei)=nai, tou= *)olbiopoli/tou.
[1] See
zeta 79:
Zeno. For this man as a pupil of
Zeno cf.
Diogenes Laertius 7.38.
[2] For
Polybius and his 40-book
History see
pi 1941; it covered the years 220-146.
Posidonius' continuation evidently started from 146, the destruction of Carthage (and Corinth), but its precise end-point is hard to determine, despite what the present Suda entry says. (No 'Cyrenaic war' is recognised elsewhere, and there are too many candidates for '
Ptolemy'.) Various dates between the 80s and the 60s have been proposed.
[3] For
Posidonius of Olbiopolis see
pi 2109. The continuation of
Polybius was in fact the work of [
pi 2107]
Posidonius of Apamea; but the entry on
Polybius (
pi 1941) attributes it to
Posidonius of Olbiopolis.
Keywords: biography; chronology; historiography; history; military affairs; philosophy; rhetoric
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 25 May 2002@08:10:25.
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