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Search results for pi,2090 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,2090
Translated headword: handhold
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the so-called handle by which they hold the shield; for they dedicated the bucklers from the wars without handles, so that they would not be able to use them easily. "For if you love the people, you ought not allow these to be dedicated intentionally handholds and all."[1]
*po/rpac ["handhold"]: according to some the carrier of the shield, but according to others the iron that stretches across the middle of the shield, by which the soldier wields the shield.[2]
Greek Original:*po/rpac: w(=| th\n a)spi/da kate/xousin o( lego/menos o)/xanos: a)neti/qesan ga\r ta\ e)k tw=n pole/mwn o(/pla a)/neu o)xa/nwn, i(/na mh\ e(toi/mws au)toi=s e)/xwsi xrh=sqai. ou) ga/r s' e)xrh=n, ei)/per filei=s to\n dh=mon, e)k pronoi/as tau/tas e)a=n au)toi=si toi=s po/rpacin a)nateqh=nai. *po/rpac, kata/ tinas me\n o( a)naforeu\s th=s a)spi/dos: w(s de/ tines to\ dih=kon me/son th=s a)spi/dos sidh/rion, w(=| kratei= th\n a)spi/da o( stratiw/ths.
See also
pi 2089.
Knights 828-9, with comments from the
scholia -- which read more pertinently
e)k polemi/wn ('from the enemy') instead of
e)k pole/mwn ('from the wars').
[2] From a scholion on a different passage in
Aristophanes: see under
mu 1128.
Keywords: comedy; definition; ethics; military affairs; politics; religion; science and technology; trade and manufacture
Translated by: William Hutton on 20 February 2013@08:23:37.
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