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Search results for pi,2072 in Adler number:
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Headword: *porqmh/i+on
Adler number: pi,2072
Translated headword: ferry-fee
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] the pay of a sailor. Callimachus [writes]: "therefore even as corpses they do not carry a ferry-fee." For in Aegialus[1] there is a way down to Hades, which Demeter came to and learned from the locals about Kore and endowed them, as he says, with exemption from the ferry-fee.
Greek Original:
*porqmh/i+on: o( misqo\s tou= nau/tou. *kalli/maxos: tou)/neka kai\ ne/kues porqmh/i+on ou)/ti fe/rontai. e)n *ai)gialw=| ga\r kataba/sio/n e)stin ei)s a(/|dou, ei)s o(\ a)pelqou=sa h( *dhmh/thr e)/maqe para\ tw=n perioi/kwn peri\ th=s *ko/rhs kai\ e)dwrh/sato au)toi=s, w(s le/gei, a)/fesin tou= porqmhi/+ou.
Callimachus, Hecale fr. 278 Pfeiffer, with scholion.
cf. generally pi 2069, pi 2070, pi 2071, pi 2073.
[1] In upper case, as here, this means a specific place (in the N Peloponnese, the territory later called Achaea: see Homer, Iliad 2.575; Pausanias 7.1.1-4).
Keywords: aetiology; definition; economics; geography; mythology; poetry; religion
Translated by: William Hutton on 17 February 2013@14:22:13.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (set status) on 17 February 2013@23:27:51.
David Whitehead (x-refs; another note and keyword; tweaking) on 18 February 2013@04:38:47.
William Hutton (augmented note; typo) on 18 February 2013@09:44:19.
David Whitehead (note cosmetic) on 18 February 2013@09:57:48.
David Whitehead on 10 October 2013@07:55:01.


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