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Search results for pi,2057 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,2057
Translated headword: Publius Valerius
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Publius Valerius],[1] the fellow-consul of
Brutus,[2] worthy to be praised and marvelled at for the sake of many other habits, but especially for the self-sufficiency of his life. There was a certain self-taught philosophy in it, which he displayed in many actions.
Greek Original:*po/plios *ou)ale/rios, o( sunu/patos *brou/tou, a)/cios me\n pollw=n kai\ a)/llwn e)pithdeuma/twn xa/rin e)painei=sqai/ te kai\ qauma/zesqai, ma/lista de\ th=s au)tarkei/as tou= bi/ou. h)\ filosofi/a tis au)todi/daktos e)ge/neto peri\ au)to/n, h(\n e)n polloi=s e)pedei/cato pra/gmasi.
[1] Publicola: see generally
pi 2052; also
alpha 4464, where the present entry's material -- after the introductory phrases -- first occurs.
[2] L. Iunius
Brutus (in trad. 509 BCE).
Keywords: biography; constitution; economics; ethics; historiography; history; philosophy
Translated by: David Whitehead on 18 December 2009@03:24:17.
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