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Search results for pi,2055 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,2055
Translated headword: Publius Scipio
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Natural son of Lucius, but by adoption grandson of Publius who was called the great;[1] when he gained control over Carthage,[2] which was thought to be richest of the cities in the inhabited world, he simply took nothing of the [sc. riches] out of that [city] for his own life, nor sold nor in any other manner took possession of anything, although he was not altogether well-to-do in his life-style, but being moderate in his property, as a Roman, he abstained not only from the [sc. riches[3] taken] out of Carthage itself, but also allowed nothing at all of those [taken] out of Libya to be mixed with his own life-style.
This is not doubted among Romans.[4]
Greek Original:*po/plios *skipi/wn, *leuki/ou kata\ fu/sin ui(o/s, *popli/ou de\ tou= mega/lou klhqe/ntos kata\ qe/sin ui(wno/s, ku/rios geno/menos th=s *karxhdo/nos, h(/tis e)do/kei poluxrhmone/statos tw=n kata\ th\n oi)koume/nhn ei)=nai po/lewn, a(plw=s tw=n e)c e)kei/nhs ou)de\n ei)s to\n i)/dion bi/on meth/gagen, ou)/t' w)nhsa/menos ou)/t' a)/llw| tro/pw| kthsa/menos ou)de/n, kai/per ou)x o(/lws eu)porou/menos kata\ to\n bi/on, a)lla\ me/trios w)\n kata\ th\n u(/parcin, w(s *(rwmai=os, ou)x oi(=on de\ tw=n e)c au)th=s th=s *karxhdo/nos a)pe/sxeto mo/non, a)lla\ kai\ kaqo/lou tw=n e)k th=s *libu/hs ou)de\n e)pimixqh=nai pro\s to\n i)/dion ei)/ase bi/on. tou=to a)namfisbh/thton para\ *(rwmai/ois.
Polybius 18.35.9-12. The subject is P. Cornelius Scipio
Aemilianus, 'born 185/4 BC as second son of L. Aemilius Paullus(2), adopted as a child by P. Cornelius Scipio(2) son of P. Cornelius Scipio Africanus' (OCD4 s.v.).
pi 2053,
pi 2054,
pi 2056.
[1] Africanus is not so called in any Roman writer (as Walbank notes, who therefore inclines towards Schweighaeuser's view that
megas here means 'elder').
[2] In 146 BC.
[3] Adler reports that mss GM supply an explicit noun,
nomisma/twn "coins".
[4] Adler regarded this as an addendum to the
Polybius passage. It is in fact an abridgement of P's final sentence.
Keywords: biography; definition; economics; ethics; geography; historiography; history; military affairs
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 6 September 2006@00:41:21.
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